March 14, 2010
Posted by iDomo Designs

Take a look at my cool profile on the home made hangout ROBLOX

Posted by iDomo Designs

All the whimsical moonbases at ROBLOX are amusing on ROBLOX, a crazy player-made virtual world


Posted by iDomo Designs

All the whimsical moonbases at ROBLOX are amusing on ROBLOX, a crazy player-made virtual world

July 21, 2009
Posted by goalie100000

hello guys! my last report page had some spelling errors!! so here is the finall 1!!!

Moved Blog

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Hey everyone, this is Ryan here today. The community blog has been moved.
Well that's all. Farewell!

Comment and follow!

Posted by goalie100000

here is a orbz i made! i made a O on reeters or whoevers and i made the colors the same but brigter! here it is! Click on it to make it bigger!

Posted by reeter

here id eht the money of sorbs shoud look like

July 20, 2009
Posted by reeter

heres is a ban chat butoon i desighned

Posted by goalie100000

Goalie here! If ANY1 knows how to fix the glitches on a website plz tell me ASAP!!! I have been searching on google and nothing :( and no develepors like sweet told me how :( So plz tell how!! Bye!

Glitches and Bugs

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Some of the people have been seeing bugs and glitches.
Developers and I are going to fix the glitches and bugs.
Also did someone change the pass to support mail? If so please tell me it on xat.