July 17, 2009

Homepage and Project Done

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Our "Sorbs Support Email" Project is compeleted! Yay!
Well the email server will be uploaded and you should be able to send emails in a few days.
I will tell you the new support email when the email server is uploaded.

I have made a homepage. We switched to many hosts to find what we need.
We started with Webs, then wix, then Godaddy(long story) and then Spruz!
Well the homepage is

Well, tomrrow I got another poll coming out as well. Should we move the blog to our connected homepage?
Reasons why it we would:

  • Connects Better
  • More Techings Postings
  • More Customizable
Reasons why we would not:
  • Some users might think it is hard
  • Homepage looks emo
When I said about "Connects Better" It means by it would be easier to go to, without having to switch tabs and stuff to reach the blog.
Techings Posting means that there are more options on posting and it is "Advance Materials". Don't worry moderators, I will help you out.
You can customizable the whole homepage! It will look awesome.
Yeah since there are too many numbers to remember it makes it harder for moderators to understand.
When I said "Emo" I meant it as in "too much black!". But like I said I can change the whole homepage in just one click!

As too many numbers. Well I have deleted some of the numbers. Now the only numbers there are is:
1,2,8 and 9.
The number 1 is default, normal that's when you start.
The number 2 is when your a SSS or Sponsering Us.
The number 8 is are all the mods have the access to post.
The number 9 is when the owners and creators of Sorbs ranks are.(Mcfreddy and Me)

Well, seince your the viewer, you get to choose! If we move it or not!
Here are the poll results:
Log In 1 is better than the others.
We are staying with blogger for now.(Next Poll Coming Soon about Connection Homepage)
Sweetgirl won by 3 votes than Goalie! Well Sweetgirl ur the Support Email Captain.

That is all with the news.


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