July 15, 2009

Lots Of News

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Moderators I have lots of good news and bad news.
Good News:

  • Sorbs is getting help!
  • Moderators of Sorbs are back from trips(Most of the moderators)
Bad News:
  • Errors on automatcily emails
  • I got banned and will not be able to contact all moderators.
Well some of you moderators know I was banned, (idk the reason) but I have figure out how we can contact each other. All moderators will be able to contact me on "Gardenpartyworld", The Forum or "Xat".

If u already have a gardenpartyworld account, then you will be able to find me at fairlawn. I will try my best to contact u with the latest information of the forum. Some of you might can't go to the support xat, cause there have been crashing problems.

Now, moderators this is what you do for the rest of this week:
  • Find and try to find me a gardenpartyworld
  • Figure out how to make automatically emails send automatically
  • Confirms Links
  • How to make a support email to "support@sorbs.com"
We are just working on only the "Support Category" for this week.

Blog Readers:
We do hope till these problems are solved.
And my bday is coming up! July 16, is when my real bday is! I will be having a party on webosaurs and gardenpartyworld!
Weboasurs Party:
Gushing Geysers, 11:00 AM EST
Gardenpartyworld Party:
Treehouse, 11:30 AM EST
I will meet you at the Fairlawn sever and then I will add u at timber lane then invite u to the party.

PS: If you are moderator and your not my friend on gardenpartyworld you "MUST" go to the party and add me. If you don't know what gardenpartyworld is then this is the link:




goalie100000 said...

ryan can i have maybe a 4 day vacation from sorbs? this would be my first vacation! :)! but just as a started to write this my stomatch hert! :((

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