July 19, 2009

Mods and Blog Readers

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Well mods, things are going great lately but things are getting really harder on my end. Please finish the jobs and tasks. Make sure there are a 100% good!

Now my end is getting hard, why? Cause I can't be able to contact everyone, HTML's Codes, More Artisit and more programers.

Everyone will need at least 3 skills.
Here are the skills you can choose from Mods:

  • Designing
  • HTML
  • Java
  • Flash
  • Programing
  • Ideas Thinkers
  • Blogin'
  • Answering Questions
I am reordering the mods, so you will need to comment your 3 skills and your status will change depending on the skill. You must choose skills that you are really good at. Comment Now Mods!

Blog Readers, reading another waste less post? That doesn't involve you? Well we are moving the blog, soon this blog will be gone, when the game comes out. When the games out most of the problems I have are solved! So you readers from now on read this website.
And then click on the page "Blog". Well that's all for now.


goalie100000 said...

answer Qs Blogin and designing!

Isaiah Jelks said...

i am good at

.answering questions


.ideas thiinkers

Fishalate said...

Oh right I can Blog, Design and I know some basic HTML stuff (like making cursors)

Anonymous said...

I am good at:

. designing
.thinking of ideas
.answering questions

Please do NOT put me on anything like HTML or flash or anything that could be the least bit complicated if u want it done!


Kool Man said...

I'm good at

Designing (Doing Arts)


Thinking Of Ideas

Answering Questions


Anonymous said...

my skills are playing online games posting funny things and playing practical jokes if you need more let me know

Anonymous said...

designanswering qeustions andideas thinking

ChObOtSs said...

Idea Thinker
Answering Questions

I like being a community moderator.
BTW, I'm not part of beach life or whatever anymore!!


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