July 21, 2009
Posted by goalie100000

hello guys! my last report page had some spelling errors!! so here is the finall 1!!!

Moved Blog

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Hey everyone, this is Ryan here today. The community blog has been moved.
Well that's all. Farewell!


Comment and follow!

Posted by goalie100000

here is a orbz i made! i made a O on reeters or whoevers and i made the colors the same but brigter! here it is! Click on it to make it bigger!

Posted by reeter

here id eht the money of sorbs shoud look like

July 20, 2009
Posted by reeter

heres is a ban chat butoon i desighned

Posted by goalie100000

Goalie here! If ANY1 knows how to fix the glitches on a website plz tell me ASAP!!! I have been searching on google and nothing :( and no develepors like sweet told me how :( So plz tell how!! Bye!

Glitches and Bugs

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Some of the people have been seeing bugs and glitches.
Developers and I are going to fix the glitches and bugs.
Also did someone change the pass to support mail? If so please tell me it on xat.

July 19, 2009

Mods and Blog Readers

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Well mods, things are going great lately but things are getting really harder on my end. Please finish the jobs and tasks. Make sure there are a 100% good!

Now my end is getting hard, why? Cause I can't be able to contact everyone, HTML's Codes, More Artisit and more programers.

Everyone will need at least 3 skills.
Here are the skills you can choose from Mods:

  • Designing
  • HTML
  • Java
  • Flash
  • Programing
  • Ideas Thinkers
  • Blogin'
  • Answering Questions
I am reordering the mods, so you will need to comment your 3 skills and your status will change depending on the skill. You must choose skills that you are really good at. Comment Now Mods!

Blog Readers, reading another waste less post? That doesn't involve you? Well we are moving the blog, soon this blog will be gone, when the game comes out. When the games out most of the problems I have are solved! So you readers from now on read this website.
And then click on the page "Blog". Well that's all for now.

July 18, 2009


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

I am updating the homepage, I will finish when all the tests and things are finished and I will place them on the site.
Homepage Workers and Designers Please Do the Following Below:

  • A 5 Picture movement(I will make it aniamted)
  • Pages Buttons(The Icon that the pages will look like)
  • Header(Something related about Sorbs)
Blog Readers we are going to need your help:
Can you find the following html code for me?
  • HTML Code of Log In
  • HTML Code of "Forgot My Password"
If you find any html that actually does work, and is helpful for us to use we will award you. We will award you by giving you more chance of becoming a SSS/SSA!

You can comment your html code on this post or send us an email!
Send Email To: supportsorbs@mail.com

Well I will be updating the homepage.
Good Luck!

Your Tasks Mods

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Here is what you need to do fellow moderators,
If ur a blog reader don't waste ur time reading this.

Your Jobs of what you do mods:
Ryan: Uploading, Homepage's Designs, Animated Pictures Designs
Mcfreddy: Flash CS4, Game Creating
Chibibiot and Sweetgirl25: Homepage Designs(3D Style)
Goalie and Djflan: Mail Box Server(Come by the Xat and I'll tell you about this job)
Test and Reeter: Ideas, Designing, Finding Information
Pokemon and therock67: Finding Glitches/Bugs on Homepage
Nathaniel on vacation.
Flare and Cutiequeen: Designing Clothing for Sorbs Catalogs, Designing map and the places for Sorbs.

Those are the jobs for you moderators. I need a 100% work on all the jobs u r doing.Don't worry you will have as much time to finish these jobs. It may take like a month for you to finish and make it a 100% but it will be worth it!


Posted by goalie100000

Hey guys here is a report page and a color machine! i used reeters idea for the color machine!

July 17, 2009

Best Moderator?

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Hello fellow moderators or blog reader!

Moderators, I got news for you!
I am giving you powers today for the first start.
Ryan and Mcfreddy are like the same rank! They have every power!
Developers have the powers to send in reports, suggestions, read messages, make parties, make contests and have the power to recommend someone to be an agent.
Moderators have the powers to send in reports, suggest, help, read messages, moderator, make parties, make contests, and help out the team.
Game Artists have the the same powers as the moderators.

Now I want to show you something new and cool!
Best Moderator Award! Who is the best moderator of this month? Who has supported/helped sorbs the most? Who will get it? What will you get if you get this award?
Well me and Mcfreddy decides a moderator who has been working really hard with Sorbs.

If you get the "Best Moderator Award!" then you get a promotion! Yes a promotion!
Promotion Developer: You get the power to ban people!(Don't abuse it or this power will be taken away).
Promotion Moderators: You get a week off from Sorbs!(Vacation Time!)
Promotion Game Artists: You get a tool that will help you in your graphics!(How to make graphics animated! You can also share this with the other game artist if you want)

Now for the blog readers part of why there are reading this!
Blog Readers Message:
You all know what a SSS is? Right? SSS stands for Secret Sorbs Spy. Like the name of it? Or we can make it SSA. SSA stands for Secret Sorbs Agent. What do you vote?
Well we are thinking of some users to make SSS/SSA. We are not sure yet. But we are going to pick it! If you want to be the first SSS/SSA. Send in your application!
Sorb's Username:
Why do you want to be a SSS/SSA?
Is there anything special about Sorbs?
If I were an SSS/SSA what would the first thing you would do?

That's the application, comment it. The email server upload is almost done.


Posted by reeter

ok fellow moderators i havent posted inn a long time bc i was commin up with awsome ideas i will only reveal one now ok there should be a room filled with these and we call the room the color room its were u go to these machines and buy color pills if u eat a sertain color pill u will become tht color ok stay tuned for more

Tools and Help

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Our Homepage Project Tools and Help.
I know some of you moderators are working in a group but we will always mange it to get Sorbs to the top!

Now, for some helps on Spruz.
Maybe we should start a little contest =D
Blog Readers u can enter the contest.
What you need to do:
Give your ideas in the "contact us" topic! Your ideas, will be read by me. Your ideas need to be something that would be useful for upgrading our homepage.
You can also take it a upon time to make a header and we will display it.
To win:
If you want to win the contest then you need to have a header picture, 3 suggestions and pages names.

So you will need to make a header. The header will be chosen by a poll.
Your suggestions will be added if there are good enough.
Your names suggestions will be in a poll.

Moderators here is what you need to do:
Sign up for Spruz and Sorbs.
The registering Spruz an account link:

Posting Skills:
To post, you will need a category, if it is not really a imporant post then make it "Un-categories".
To add a post click "Add Entry".
We also do recommended Blog readers to make an account as well. Cause you will be able to comment.
Moderators you have like a week to make an account. Or I might have to fire you cause I can't contact you very easily.

I am trying my best to find a better way that we can contact.
Well this is the end on my post.
Blog readers you in for the challage?
Moderators you ready to sign up?

Homepage and Project Done

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Our "Sorbs Support Email" Project is compeleted! Yay!
Well the email server will be uploaded and you should be able to send emails in a few days.
I will tell you the new support email when the email server is uploaded.

I have made a homepage. We switched to many hosts to find what we need.
We started with Webs, then wix, then Godaddy(long story) and then Spruz!
Well the homepage is

Well, tomrrow I got another poll coming out as well. Should we move the blog to our connected homepage?
Reasons why it we would:

  • Connects Better
  • More Techings Postings
  • More Customizable
Reasons why we would not:
  • Some users might think it is hard
  • Homepage looks emo
When I said about "Connects Better" It means by it would be easier to go to, without having to switch tabs and stuff to reach the blog.
Techings Posting means that there are more options on posting and it is "Advance Materials". Don't worry moderators, I will help you out.
You can customizable the whole homepage! It will look awesome.
Yeah since there are too many numbers to remember it makes it harder for moderators to understand.
When I said "Emo" I meant it as in "too much black!". But like I said I can change the whole homepage in just one click!

As too many numbers. Well I have deleted some of the numbers. Now the only numbers there are is:
1,2,8 and 9.
The number 1 is default, normal that's when you start.
The number 2 is when your a SSS or Sponsering Us.
The number 8 is are all the mods have the access to post.
The number 9 is when the owners and creators of Sorbs ranks are.(Mcfreddy and Me)

Well, seince your the viewer, you get to choose! If we move it or not!
Here are the poll results:
Log In 1 is better than the others.
We are staying with blogger for now.(Next Poll Coming Soon about Connection Homepage)
Sweetgirl won by 3 votes than Goalie! Well Sweetgirl ur the Support Email Captain.

That is all with the news.

July 16, 2009
Posted by goalie100000

hey guys! here is some differnt colored sorbs! there is 27 or 28 of them! here they r!

Settings Register

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

I have made some codes that my registering setting might be.

Pop-Up Registration Setting:

Click here to register an account for Sorbs!

Web-Link Registration Setting:

Click here to register an account for Sorbs!

Full Page From Setting:


(Copy and paste link)(Not sure if the link will work)

Well those are the styles, that our form codes give us. Which one do you choose?
Comment Now!
Also tomorrow the polls will be reset cause the polls will end tomorrow!


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Our support email will be changed.
So our email changing and email servers are going to be down for a little while.
So we can't approve your accounts.
Sorry for any incisiveness.
Your account will be automatically accepted when you register.

When the game is out our moderators are going to have these jobs:
Ryan - Approving Accounts/Confirm Links
Mcfreddy - Approving Accounts,Ideas,Flash
Chibibiot - Bugs, Glitches, Robots
Sweetgirl - Bugs, Glitches, Robots, Support Email Captain
Goalie - Support Email, Moderating
Djflan - Support Email, Moderating
Test, Therock67, Pokemon and Reeter - Moderating
Nathaniel - Team Captain for Official Blog, Posting
Flare and Cuitequeen - Thinkers and Ideas People

If you do not know how to do some of these jobs, it's okay.
Robots Job, they will help you on how to find the glitches and bugs(Make thing much easier).
Moderating Job, at least one moderator must be online. So people who has shifts, you will need to decide who will be taking night shifts.
Support Email Job, those people must reply to all contact us subjects.
Bugs and Glitches Job, you will need to find any bugs or glitches around the game.
Team Captains - If you are a team captain on one of the subjects that means your a team captain of it and you are the boss of that group.

Good Luck on your Upcoming Future Jobs Moderators.
You may not need this information blog readers, but it is nice to know.
But all you do need to know from this post is about Support Email Being Down for blog readers.



Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫


Ok all users and moderators, I have fixed all the errors for the registration form. It is virus free.
All users who registered, I'm am sorry but all the data got deleted when I was fixing all the errors.
To get all our database information back you must register an account on the link above.

Also the new grand opening of the homepage!
(PS: This is not what the first actually homepage going to look like, it is just a test. We will have better graphics when our artist come back from their summer vacation)


For your safety, I say that do not visit the homepage.
Also the register form there on the page is not valid, please do not enter that page or sign up cause I think there might be a virus or error in there.


Happy Birthday!

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

It's my birthday! I do hope you will enjoy and be able to come.

July 15, 2009

Lots Of News

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Moderators I have lots of good news and bad news.
Good News:

  • Sorbs is getting help!
  • Moderators of Sorbs are back from trips(Most of the moderators)
Bad News:
  • Errors on automatcily emails
  • I got banned and will not be able to contact all moderators.
Well some of you moderators know I was banned, (idk the reason) but I have figure out how we can contact each other. All moderators will be able to contact me on "Gardenpartyworld", The Forum or "Xat".

If u already have a gardenpartyworld account, then you will be able to find me at fairlawn. I will try my best to contact u with the latest information of the forum. Some of you might can't go to the support xat, cause there have been crashing problems.

Now, moderators this is what you do for the rest of this week:
  • Find and try to find me a gardenpartyworld
  • Figure out how to make automatically emails send automatically
  • Confirms Links
  • How to make a support email to "support@sorbs.com"
We are just working on only the "Support Category" for this week.

Blog Readers:
We do hope till these problems are solved.
And my bday is coming up! July 16, is when my real bday is! I will be having a party on webosaurs and gardenpartyworld!
Weboasurs Party:
Gushing Geysers, 11:00 AM EST
Gardenpartyworld Party:
Treehouse, 11:30 AM EST
I will meet you at the Fairlawn sever and then I will add u at timber lane then invite u to the party.

PS: If you are moderator and your not my friend on gardenpartyworld you "MUST" go to the party and add me. If you don't know what gardenpartyworld is then this is the link:



July 12, 2009
Posted by reeter

heres some sorbs

Cool widget i made for sorbs

Posted by iDomo Designs

Is this cool or what?

Graffiti Creator

~ pinkgirlcpst

July 11, 2009

Terms and Rules

Posted by iDomo Designs


- Children under 13 must get a parent to view these terms and conduct, if you do not agree do not come here then.

- All the trademarks on the blog,game,etc. must not be copied it has the title trademark.

- Users of the sorbs game will be able to sign up for a 1-month, 6-month, 12-month membership for the game.
The membership will end by when you purchased and which you purchased.

- We will not sell, Trade, or transfer any of your personal info including email, name, etc.

- This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us.
This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics.
Reproduction is not allowed other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which makes part of these terms and conditions.

- We may provide links on the blog but we 100% make sure that those sites are complete safe for your child.

If you have any other Q's please visit the contact page. We would be glad to answer your Q's.

Sorbs Rules

- NO HACKING (For doing this you will be punished or banned from sorbs!)
- Be nice! ( Do not cuss at anyone or be mean you will be punished for this)
- Do not report false reports! (It is not nice plus it will give the team more mail so we can not make more fun for all people)
- Don't beg to be an agent! (the mods do not like it and it will lower your chances)


July 10, 2009

To Moderators

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Moderators of Sorbs, I have choose your group very careful!
Sorb's Bosses: Ryan246(Me) and Mcfreddy
Sorb's Captains: Chibibiot and Sweetgirl25
Sorbs's Members: Piersy99, Goalie10000, Djflan, Test, Reeter, Pokemon1000, therock67, Nathaniel9909, Flare, and Cuitqueen.

Sorb's Members Group 1: Test, Piersy99, Reeter and Pokemon1000
Sorb's Members Group 2: Goalie, Djflan and Therock67
Sorb's Members Group 3: Nathaniel9909, Flare and Cuitqueen

Competitors: Buzzblocks, Beebots and Robotrons.
There maybe more competitors.

To Blog Readers:
Everyone who signed up to be a beta tester is now a beta tester! The game will be coming out soon. Also I will be making lots of polls of who will be stuff and doing the stuff.

That is our Sorb's Support Chat Help! We will talk about secret news, announcements coming out, supporting, answering questions, secrets and contests! Please do make sure to stop by and visit.


That is our Sorb's Support Forum! You will be able to sign up if you are whiting the age of 8 or older. You will be able to sign up, have fun, make contests, buy things and win contests! Please do sure to read the rules before posting and sign up or visit!

Support Email:
We are trying to figure out a way to make accounts better like when you signed up and you receive it automatically. It is called "Generated Emails". There are mails that are made automatically without a user typing it.

Support Email Fan Mail:
I am trying to find a way where we can make a better "Contact Us" for who doesn't have an email. We already know without putting your email you may not get a reply. We are still working on this.

Register Form and Log In Forms:
Thanks to our moderators who told us some HTML codes of register forms and log in forms. I edit the HTML and made it look like a real log in form or register form. There were a big help! All we need to do is figure out how we can do the "Forgot Your Password" Thing, but it will be needing to use "Generated Emails".

We are almost done with making the memberships prices. We know that we might going to use only "credits cards". Membership might be cheap. We know for sure that Mcfreddy is going to get the money cause he is going to be buying everything and making upgrades to the game.

Un-Working Moderators:
Uh-Oh we have un-working moderators that don't do a thing! Piersy99, Reeter and Cuitqueen did not do a thing for Sorbs for the last few weeks! I might fire them or ask them why there are not working anymore.

Answering Moderators:
Our moderators has a like a 10% of answering questions! All users who that has a questions please ask moderators of sorbs and not me cause I might be busy at the time. Moderators are the people that has a "white" pawn icon on the vistors list.

Clothings, Maps and Places:
We need clothes, maps and places! You make the clothes that we will need and will be awesome. Places: Main Street, Shop, Pool(Beach). Well those are all the places I can think for now. When we have finished making all the places probably there will be like 6-9 places we will start with will be becoming our maps.

Mods Features: Make Agent, De-Agent, Ban, Kick and Send In Reports(Agents are going to be called something else)
Regulars Users Features: Add as Friend, Remove as friend, Ignore, Chat, and reporting.

Well those are all 10 features we are working for the next 2-3 weeks. We may complete all 10 of these features listed here less than 2 weeks. Well I will be giving you more projects and features next week!

Log In

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Log In 1



Log In 2:

Log In 3

Which Log In Did You Like? Tell me which one you liked! Comment Now!


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

NOTICE: All users please email me at ryandang10@gmail.com so I can give you your activation email message.

These are the users I have approved accounts from:

  • Ryan246
  • Sorbs
  • Nathaniel9909
  • Reeter
  • Ragu
  • Piersy99
  • Gmailchatter
  • Beta_Sorbs
  • Pieman112
  • Choboguy2000
  • Diana
  • Vintage
  • !
  • Zandercute
  • therock67
  • Sorbzy
  • Tdwag
  • Ancient
  • Flabbergasted
  • Rickyglam
  • Mcfreddy
I know there is more, moderators please search up all the database of all the users we have. Blog readers, if you signed up and you are not in the list, comment or email me now!
Also all moderators, when you forget your password, you won't be able to receive it back. Only regulars users can.

July 9, 2009
Posted by Djflan

Hi! its djflan :) I am the new mod! I will be posting updates here often!my favotite sport is soccer goalie i know in real life!

Log In

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Here is the test log in:

This is a "Test Log In". This log in does not lead to anywhere or let's you log in.


Repling Approving Account

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Ok, I need you people to vote which one out of these letters would be great for me to reply.
1st letter:

Hello _____(Insert Name Here),
You have signed up at "Sorbs", a virtural world coming soon!
Account Information:
Username: (Insert Username Here)
Password: (Insert Password Here)
Age: (Insert Age Here)

Your account have been approved by ______(Moderator's Name Signature). If you would like to have better contact with us, please visit the support page or visit our blog.
Click here to view the official Sorb's blog.

End of message, ok that's the end of the message! Do you like this kind of email? Comment is now!


Blog Changes 1

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Ok, I have finished some changes.
When I changed some of the things it deleted all of the polls and widgets.
Our money is going to be called "Orbz"
Our agents is going to be called "SSS" or known as "Secret Sorbs Spy"

Well what else do we need left?

Comment and follow!

Blog Changes

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

The blog is going to have lots of changes by the end of this week.
So you may wonder if ur in the correct blog cause u r!


July 8, 2009


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Thingz are getting back to normal.
Mcfreddy rejoined! Yay!
Well there is a new support forum and new support chat.

Support Chat is http://xat.com/sorbs
Supprot Forum is http://sorbs.forumotion.com/

Visit my chat to help us get our support chat on to xat's featured page! When this is on the page we will have a party!

Support Forum! Keep posting and helping and buying things at the forum! More posting and helping and winning you get orbz! More buying you get more to choose what you buy!


July 7, 2009


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

We are having a vote homepage thing!
Just like a poll! Me, Officere and Nathaniel work on their own homepages and in a week, I will post all the links of the homepage so you will need to log in! Also homepage makers you can get supporters as well! They can help you test things, fix glitches and all that stuff.

That's all for now.

July 5, 2009

Accept?Cause I do.

Posted by Nathaniel

I was on Xat,Sorbs Support.And Officere Came,He asked if Robotrons Can Partner Up With Sorbs...Im thinking Yes.Ryan,Me and Goalie were BOTH there,And we Wanted YOUR opinion,Since your Admin. Of Sorbs,Whats your Answer,Partner Up With Robotrons,Or Leave Them On there Own.(P.S.,There almost done with their Virtual World)

---Sorbs Moderator

More Information about Supprot Email

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

I got some more information about Support Email.
Some of you have been asking we need more types of Categories. We sure do need more.
The other category i said from the other post are still going to be categories.

Approve Account - Only seen by Ryan(Owner)
Help - Djflan and Goalie
Contest Answers - Contest Owner(Who ever made the contest)

Please tell us more categories! In 3 days I will make a new poll about the support email. So comment away.

Also click here. Follow and Comment.

July 4, 2009

Email Message Support

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

When you are emailing support email. On the subject line you put Approve Account, Support Information, Contest Answers.

You must put one of those in the category subject.
To moderators and developers when it says "Approve Account" No one go and check the email, ONLY I CAN. When the subject says "Support Information" Only Djflan or Goalie can look at it. Contest Answers, any moderator can look at that kind of mail.

Well that's all for now. Also moderators remember this.
Also when u people are sending messages make sure to remember this as well.

July 3, 2009

All Badges + A New Member Badge

Posted by Nathaniel

The New Badge is out!The Spy one...ehh...I kinda fixed it from Agent,to Spy (S.S.S=Secret Sorbs Spy) And the Member one I made myself,It was easy...but the thing I don't like is the "M'' on both the mod,and member,sure you can notice by the color but,you know...2 letters that are the same don't belong on both O_o.Any ideas besides "Member?" (And don't suggest "Citizen")
---Sorbs Moderator

Posted by goalie100000

Hey guys! Goalie here! Plz go to:
It is so cool and i work there!


Posted by Mcfreddy

here r somethings i have to say.

#1: the agents should be called Sorbs Secret Spies because the initials r SSS. lol.
#2: from the poll i see that the monet is called gold.
#3: ryan make me an admin on the blog. -.-
#4: i made a header for sorbs. here it is.
plz comment if u like it or not.

July 2, 2009
Posted by goalie100000

Goalie here!! guys i am the support and the support e-mail i made ill be:
so if u need any help or need to report a bad sorb when the game comes out!

Off Topic

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

This post is kind a of topic of Sorbs but visit this blog!
It is my blog! Follow it and comment on it! Tell your friends and family to visit it as well.



July 1, 2009

Remember this one?

Posted by Nathaniel

This is a Mod badge I posted...it was around the first post,look and you'll see it.I decided to show it again cause maybe you didn't see it,but we have better badges now,don't we?;)

---Sorbz Moderator


Posted by Mcfreddy

ryan doesnt get none of the membership money. im paying for EVERYTHING. also guys the membrship money is as follows.

1 month: $3.99
6 months: $22.99
1 year: $43.99

ok. thats all i have to say. also plzz start making designs artists. we need more designs. send it to tsadokmt@aim.com thats all i have now. also i think the coins should be called soins. lol. or cockaroaches. lol jk. only soins im serious with. :)


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

You can now register for official sorbs! The first 70 ppl who register are our beta testing people for now. A large amount of people? Well sign up now! It may take me some time to make the email to send u it.

Click here to sign up

Updated By Ryan: Please press the button only 1 time please, I have been getting multiples of the same information. If you do press it more then one time then it will take more longer for me to load the information and get your account created.

June 30, 2009


Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Prices for membership:
$4.99 for 1 month(Most Popular) Save 1 dollar
$22.99 for 6 months(Best Value) Save 2 dollars
$45.99 for 1 year(Awesome Value!) Save 5 dollars.

Like it? Pretty cheap lol. What are the money spent on? The money are spent on servers, domains, new features and other things for the game. I get some of the money for myself lol.

Also we are needed 2 moderators cause Flabbergasted quit and Puffles204 quit as well.


June 29, 2009

Official Badge

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

The official badge are, these

The moderator badge! This is the mod badge. Moderators will have this moderator badge on their playercard.

Agent Badge, it is the same as the moderator badge. Goalie, please make the badge more bigger by croping it. Ask Nathaniel9909 to help you with it.

Now these badges are awesome? Also the poll ends in a few hours. Vote Now!
There is a big tie!
Powers, Coins, Others!
What kind of others would it to be? If it ends in a tie we will have to start the poll all over again.
So one person can change it.

Posted by goalie100000

Goalie here! Look at the agent badge i made! I used nathanel's mod bage and changed the color and letters!
p.s. Definitly click on it so it is bigger!

June 25, 2009

Mods #2

Posted by Nathaniel


 ---Sorbz Moderator


Posted by Nathaniel

I was wondering,Are these better then the 3 I posted last time?I kinda like the 3 I posted better the these,but I was just wondering.

---Sorbz Moderator

Posted by goalie100000

Hi guys! goalie100000 here! here is what i could look like on sorbs but on my playercard there will be a mod badge! click on it to make it bigger!

June 24, 2009

Planet Sorb?

Posted by Nathaniel

Planet Sorbonia =D

                                                ---Sorbz Moderator

bigger kick btton!

Posted by goalie100000

Here is the kick button a bit bigger!

New Button

Posted by warrior7878

hey guys since we do not want scams like chobots had we did a trade button u choose the clothes u want to keep and then ur partner chooses and accepts if they like it
(the one with the arrow) we are still not sure of this
Warrior7878(sorbs developer)

June 23, 2009

Ban Button (Best I Could Do)

Posted by Nathaniel

So heres the ban button,for mods only.Ryan told me to make it,so here it is!

---Sorbz Moderator

Sorbs Story

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

This is how the story goes of Sorbs.
Past Story:

A meteor crashed in space... a planet. There were human-liked creatures on the planet, "Sorbs". There was a life giving energy called of 'Power'. The citizens of Sorbs use 'powers' for creation. But then 'powers' exploded in mid-air destroyed the planet. The scientist and moderators put the remains of 'power' together and made cities that where Sorbs can have fun.

The Future Sorbs Story:

There was a time when Sorbs and 'powers' were being used. The 'power' fled in to the outer space and explode cause of too much pressure. The planet explode and 'power's' creations exploded. The planet was in danger! The Moderators built the cities of the Sorbs and re-opened the planet Sorb. The Sorbs has fun. Then 'powers' re-appeared! Scientist thought it was gone all forever but it was not it. People discovered 'power'. The 'power' went up in to mid-air cause of bad Sorbs trying to attack it. So scientists contacted Ryan, the mayor and told him about the 'power' studies. So he called off his 'agents' to find in search of people who were trying to destroy 'power'.
The story to be continued.....

The Past story is what they found out. The future is what we currently know about it.

Official Things

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

I have made the Official Playercard.

Message Button - Private Chat
Add Sign Button - Add as a friend
Gift Button - Donation button
=/ Button - Ignore Button
X Button - Report Button

The private chat button private chat's the other user. The add as a friend button adds sends the user a friend request. The donation button gives the user items you have selected. The Ignore button ignores the other other user from giving you any messages. The report button reports the user will be reviewed by a moderator.

If you have a friend added and accepted the friend request the playercard will show the same exact thing without the Ignore or Add Button. The - red button will be showing as well. The - red button is for removing him/her.

Moderators have different playercards!
What do moderators playercard have?
They won't have the ignore button cause you can not ignore them.

Also their playercard buttons will be faded away(if we can get that to happening)

Official Rules coming out right now!
No bad language - You can not swear or say any bad words this is not a place where you can say it. Say it at some other games. *Note: If you do swear then your chat will be banned*
No adverting - Adverting is not allowed here. If you want us to link to you then comment here and we will. We are always looking for other Sorb's Blog.
Charities - Charitistes are nice but when people beg for items it can be annyoing sometimes. So if your okay with giving items then it's your choice. *Note: No one can be poor, there will be games and they will win at those games and earn coins(names of the coins are on the poll)*
No personal information - You are not allowed to say any phone numbers, addresses, and any information. It is okay to say your first name but it your choice. Keep your information away from strangers you don't know.
No asking or writing your passwords - No asking or putting your passwords or giving someone your password. If someone gets to your account they can hack you. *Note: Hacking is illage*
No spamming - Spamming is very very annyoing. If you say something 3 times repeated over and over again that is also spamming. Spamming is also random numbers that don't make sence. Do not spam, it's annyoing.
No scamming - No scamming is allowed. What does scam mean? Scamming means that if someone ask if you want to trade something(gift) and when they sent the item in return they don't get the item. *Note: Ask an Agent or Moderator to help you look and make a safe trade*
No asking to be a agent - Please do not ask to be an agent. It will lower you chance to becoming one. You all start with 10% of becoming an agent. *Note: Only Moderators can make agents, and read more of this post to find out how to become an agent*

Are these rules fair enough?
How to be an agent?

  • Be Nice
  • Be Friendly
  • Be Helpful
  • Keep Trade Safe
  • Prevent Hacking
  • Prevent Scamming
  • Others/etc.
You need to be nice and friendly that's why agents help. Agents also preventing scamming and hacking. If you have a blog then it will make you an agent faster and have more chance of becoming one.

As an agent you should know the main person, which is Ryan246! Ryan246 is the owner of Sorbs and made the idea. You should also know Mcfreddy, Chobibibit, Flabbergasted and Nathaniel9909! Mcfreddy is great at making the game's codes. Nathaniel and Flabbergasted were the 1st moderators who joined Sorbs and they still are. Chobibiot is a chobot that made awesome 3D designs for clothing!

I will post about the Sorbs Story later.

Posted by goalie100000

Hey guys!!! I am the new mod Goalie100000!!! I hope to help sorbs community grow and help them get it started!!

Basic Things about Sorbs

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

This post will tell you the basic things about Sorbs.

What is Sorbs About?
Sorbs is a fun online virtual world. It is similar to Club Penguin, Chobots and Pandanda.
It will be out by a few months, weeks or days.


If you can see there are some parts circled, underlined, and buttons.
The rectangle thing on the playercard is where your name is supposed to be. Under it will show 2 square parts, the green square is the part of you Sorb character. The other part is the Badge(if you have one) . There are 3 buttons there will be more coming in the future.

Mail(Message) - Pravite Chat
Plus Sign - Add as a friend
=/(Red) - Ingore

On moderators and devlopers there will be no 'Ingore' button. Moderators and Devlopers Moderators can kick people out of the room. But it will only show if your are a moderator on someone elses playercard.

Support Email coming soon! So Puffles204 will be answering your questions about Sorbs!
Feedback! We need ur ideas send us your message by using our Sorbs site. Supported By Webs.com
Out host is going change anyways.
I will make some polls.

Seince 'Game Maker' isn't going well lately with making our game(Game Maker is a program) we will try 'Scratch'.
Money! What should our money name be called? Vote now on the poll!
We are also looking for 1 new moderator.
I will keep you posted about testing our Sorbs with Scratch.

-Sorbs Team-

June 22, 2009

Sketch #5

Posted by Nathaniel

From my notebook of course,and you'll see more tommorow ;)
---Sorbz Moderator

Posted by reeter

u guys see that a it stands for arcade in there k and on the is a clown he look so funnyand its the new and improved party room ince i heard somone didnt like the other one so heres the new one:)

Location #4;Park

Posted by Nathaniel

Sketch #4,from my notebook of course.

                                                                     ---Sorbz Moderator

Location #2

Posted by Nathaniel

Another Sketch from my notebook.

---Sorbz Moderator

badge in bigger

Posted by ;;;

Main Street

Posted by Nathaniel

Like I said,I had sketched designs.This is one.But remember,I said they won't be good cause I made them on PC.More are coming soon.

---Sorbz Moderator

Sketches/Character Design

Posted by Nathaniel

I do have alot of Sketches in my notebook that I would like to show you,but I can only do them on PCs.Although the original design is better.And for the Characters,I just made up on my own.I had did these Sketches for myself,Until I learned that the Characters were not what I had drawn.I will try and get my art posted soon.

                                                                      ---Sorbz Moderator

New Designs!

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Our new moderator of Sorbs designed the improved character!

I have created the new rank! Developers Moderators, they can make it rain items and change the weather as well. Well we are no sure if people can click on them. But still remember that we are still trying to test it.

Also on the regsitertion thing I would like to say "STOP SIGNING UP!" Why? Cause it is making me a lot harder to make the part of my side done.
If you have signed up then you will not be added to Sorb's Databases.

June 21, 2009

Errors and Good News

Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

There are some good news and bad news.
The good news that we are able to move the characters around the game. But it is bad cause they move by themselves! Weird? Huh? Our Moderators of Sorbs will be fixing and trying to get the characters working correctly(Not all moderators)

Errors, we have found and error so if you tried to sign up you can not sign up cause of two errors.
Signing Up and Entering the World. Do not panic about it.

Ryan246(Me), Flabbergasted and Nathaniel9909 are handling this problem.

What do we wear? We need to wear clothes! Of course we do!
Mod Items! Do we have fans? Yes we do! Ryan shirt is coming out. A mcfreddy shirt is coming out as well. Piersy99 shirt is coming as well.

Places? Maps? Do we just have fun in one place? Of course not! We need some names and designs for our places and map. Think of a name for a place. Then think why it should be there.
Send me an email putting the subject "Name Place"
Email: ryandang10@gmail.com

How did Sorbs get created? I will tell you the answer! Coming Soon!

All awesome features and bugs/glitches/errors are being fixed!

-Sorbs Team-


Posted by Nathaniel

Beta is here,so I made deisigns.The Propellar-Party hat,and the Beta T-Shirt.

---Sorbz Moderator

June 20, 2009


Posted by Nathaniel



Posted by ♫★Ryan★♫

Hey everyone! This is Ryan here! Sorbs is coming out and this is the official blog! I will keep you more updated.